Sunday, August 22, 2010

Questions for Critical Thinking

Question for Critical Thinking using "All about my Jobs" by Rebeca Shontz

· Level I- Knowledge
1. Who is the main character?
2. Where the main character lives in the beginning of the story?
3. What kind of job the main character used to do in her country?
· Level II- Comprehension
4. Can you explain why she needs to find a job? Support your statement.
5. Why does the main character of the story face difficulties to perform each one of the jobs? Support your statement.
· Level III- Application
6. If you were the main character of this story, how would you solve the situation that she faced?
7. What questions would you ask in an interview with an immigrant?
· Level IV- Analysis
8. What would be different if the main character knew the language before coming to this country?
9. Can you make a distinction between to an immigrant looking for job and one native person?
· Level V- Synthesis
10. Imagine that you had to move to another country. How do you think you would feel if that happen to you?
· Level VI- Evaluation
11. The main character learned how to speak English in order to find the job she wanted. What do you think could be another obstacle she can face?

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